Saturday 19 January 2019

Personal Protein Powder

Good evening to all. Hope all is well. This weeks product spotlight is Personal Protein Powder. We all need proteins.

Personal Protein Powder 

An easy way to boost your protein intake


Formula 3 - Personalised Protein Powder is high in soy and whey protein.

Contain 5 grams of protein per serving.

Simply add to your favourite Formula 1 shake to personalise your protein intake.


Protein is essential component of every cell in the body.

It's a macronutrient made of 22 'building blocks' called amino acids bonded together to form protein's structure. Proteins have different functions in the body, including contributing to the growth in muscle mass and contributing to the maintenance of muscle and normal bones.

Formula 3 Personalised Protein Powder

240g canister

                                                                   For more information 
                                                                   You can contact me at 0729090231

                                                                      Ernest Dinsdale

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