Sunday 24 June 2018


Products of Herbalife Nutrition.

Good morning to all. Here is another wonderful blog for you to read. You are more then welcome to ask me about the products of Herbalife Nutrition.

                                                        Herbalife F1 Shake
Super tasty, easy to prepare calorie-controlled meals that will help you lose weight quickly and healthily.
·         Only 220kCal per meal
·         Full of proteins, vitamins, minerals and all other kinds of great stuff
·         Keeps you feeling full
·         30 second preparation
Tired of thinking what breakfast or dinner going to be? Or you already know that its going to be that thing that you will regret as soon as you finish that will have you silently crying “never again…”? Yeah, we know the feeling.
Herbalife Formula 1 Shakes are ready in 30 seconds or less, contain less than 220kCal per meal, and are packed with healthy proteins and vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Calcium and lots of other great stuff that will keep you full and feeling great. Read up on the full goodness of our Formula 1 shake.

                                The Story of CR7
in partnership with Cristiano Ronaldo, Herbalife24 has developed a new sports drink to rapidly fuel your workouts and enhance hydration. With natural flavours and colours, CR7Drive is a modern sports drink, light tasting and formulated to fuel the drive in all of us.
Carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions enhance the absorption of water during physical exercise and contribute to the maintenance of endurance performance during prolonged exercise. European Food Safety Authority scientific opinion EFSA Journal. 

I am looking forward to hear from you.
Ernest Dinsdale.

Tuesday 19 June 2018


My start of Herbalife

your Profile Photo, Image may contain: Ernestjr Dinsdale, smiling, textGood day to all. My name is Ernest Dinsdale. How I founded out about Herbalife , is through my mother who became a Herbalife Independent Member. I was very tired because I was a student and I had to go to bed late at night. My mother saw that I needed energy to get me through the studies. She came and gave me a CR7 sachet and I drank it. Within a short period of time I had energy and I felt like a new person after that I was hooked on this product. My mother invited me and my Dad to a Customer Day. We met alot of Independent Herbalife Members, even two of the Presidents of Herbalife was there. I drank the Capaccino F1 Shake and it was delicious. After the Customer day there was a training of Herbalife. We learned alot by the Presidents of Herbalife. After the training was finished, because I knew about what the products does and the information I got, because I had first time experience, and because I wanted to help people live a healthier live, I asked my Dad if I can please become a Herbalife Independent Member. There is not a day that I regret that I started using Herbalife products and that I am a Member of it. Keep you're eye on my blog for I will give more information about the products. If you're interested you are more than welcome to send me a email @ or contact me on 0729090231. When you become a customer of mine I will not leave you when you buy the product.